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Yoga for beginners - Pavanmuktasana Series 2

Author: Kwench / Juni 9, 2021 17:10

Kwench Yoga Challenge Pawanmuktasana 2 is a 20 min follow along for beginners to improve digestion and reduce bloating after High Protein Intake.

Digestive problems are the basis of almost all diseases. If the digestive system works properly, many of the diseases can be prevented.

The sanskrit word Pavanmuktasana is translated as

‘Pavan’ meaning ‘Air’ ,
‘Mukta’ meaning ‘Release’ &
‘Asana’ meaning Posture.

As the name suggests, this series is targeted towards the digestive system and will help people suffering from digestive disorders like excess of wind or gas, acidity , Indigestion, constipation, IBS and many other conditions.